Defend your land!

In Cannon Defense, you are responsible for defending your land against sneaky pirates who are coming to raid and steal all the gold you have!


The current version of Cannon Defense is just a prototype and may have bugs that break the game.

Additionally, the game does not have a proper game over screen regarding the win and lose cases. If you happen to lose all your wealth, you lose, and if you defeat all the ships, you win.


The current version of Cannon Defense has a few waves of enemies where different kinds of ships approach your land. After all the waves, you encounter a frigate, the mightiest of all ships. If you manage to sink the frigate, you win!


Here is the list of essential controls.

Navigation: LMB

Move Cannon: W, A, S, D

Fire Cannon: Space

Reload Cannon: R



Ata Deniz Oktay - Game Design & Programming

Yasin Gümüştaş - Pixel Art

Görkem Yılmaz - Audio Design


FontDaniel Linssen

Special Thanks

Many heartfelt thanks to the creators of the Cannon Defense minigame from Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Although the game is not live anymore, it was a great one, and there is even a fan-made server that is alive!


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Such a unique idea, really well executed!

I was having a bit of an issue with depth perception, but after a few shots you can somewhat gauge where things will land.

Graphically and game idea wise everything is in place, the only real “issue” I can bring up is that ships felt bullet-spongy, meaning you had to sink quite a few cannonballs into them. I think if the turn/movespeed was sped up a bit, and ship health reduced, but numbers increased this could be a real banger!

Looking forward to if you update it in the future!

Thank you for playing the game and leaving a comment, Achie; I appreciate it!

I look forward to updating this game or making it in a better setting in the future since it is an idea that excites me greatly! I will remember to check your comment once again when the time comes.

Have a good one!