You scale the rectangular spaces to fill the whole screen and create an endless fractal! The game was made in roughly 12 hours, and it involved a lot of geometry. Although this version is just a prototype, the idea excites us to continue working on the game and add more mechanics and seamless transitions to fit the theme even more!


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very cool idea!

Thank you for trying it and leaving a comment! We are currently continuing to work on the game, hopefully to release it next year.

awesome, have fun with work :) 


Very cool concept, fun to play! Took me a second to get the controls to work though.

Glad you enjoyed it! We continue to work on the game, and will update this page one day with a new build.


Loved the idea, it's a really fun project.

Glad to hear it, and thank you for leaving a comment!


I like the idea and minimalistic approach. considering you made this in 12 hrs, you should have added a menu or some instructions and a smooth background music score. Anyways, after the jam you should complete the game and maybe add different ways to solve each puzzle. Different colors, pattern etc. Would love to play this game especially on a phone. Good luck

Thank you for playing the game!


Nice idea and great animations! At first I didn't get that you have to click the small white buttons, though.

Thank you for playing the game and leaving a comment!